Mayab justice and own communication. Indigenous empowerment in defense of rights in Guatemala.

Attacks against human rights defenders have shown an alarming increase in recent years. At the heart of many of these disputes lies land. Indigenous peoples find themselves time and time again with their ancestral territories and places distributed and sold, but with little or no consultation. Those who resist are treated mercilessly, and many are left homeless or killed.

In this context, indigenous empowerment is indispensable. We work to defend people’s rights, providing legal support and recognizing their own justice system. We prioritize supporting the cases of criminalized defenders, both at a legal and communication level. We claim the struggle of the communities in defense of Mother Earth and strengthen the dissemination of the indigenous communication channels, making a local echo with awareness campaigns to make society aware of the international violation of Human Rights.

We focus on indigenous empowerment :

  • Own communication

In the current context, of growing globalization, the indigenous social movement has increasingly considered the importance of audiovisual communication as a key and indispensable strategy for denunciation and resistance, and as a political-strategic tool for the defense of life . We support our own narratives, bringing indigenous issues closer to society at a local and global level.

  • Own system of justice

We support the application of our own systems of justice and authority. We start from the strategic plan of the Indigenous Mayor’s Office in order to make Guatemala’s system of legal plurality effective, with the aim of legitimizing it and making it extensive among the Kiché communities and the country’s justice institutions.

  • Defense and legal empowerment of indigenous leaders

We strengthen the empowerment processes of criminalized leaders and their families. We work to ensure better access to justice for indigenous authorities who represent the collective demands of communities in defense of vital resources such as land, water and forests.

  • International impact of awareness

We bring the indigenous struggles of Guatemala closer to the Catalan population with awareness campaigns. We diffuse situations of injustice and rights violations through various actions that give people their own voice at local and international level.


Guatemala. Department of Quiché, Alta Verapaz, Chimaltenango and San Marcos.


Cerdanyola City Council


Asociación Maya Uk'Ux'Be' (Quiché, Guatemala)


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