
We defend rights

We defend the rights of indigenous peoples, promoting their empowerment to bring their struggles and visions closer together with their own voice. We propose more fair and sustainable alternatives in the current context of economic, social and environmental crisis. We do this through a constant exchange with the peoples, getting closer to each other in the defense of mother earth and self-determination, and by spreading the word about the need to care for the environment, social justice and a transformation towards more supportive and inclusive societies.

We articulate our actions from a comprehensive perspective in a global setting and support rights processes.

In order to achieve these strategic objectives, we establish 4 fundamental instruments:


We support processes of social organization, training and political participation, (especially with women), legal defense of territories, sustainable agricultural production, teacher training and our own communication (radios, televisions, social networks and indigenous cinema ).


We carry out campaigns, actions, film forums, workshops and film festivals understanding communication as a key instrument to spread, raise awareness and inform about the reality and alternatives that come to us with their own voice from the indigenous peoples.


We carry out general acts, specific reporting campaigns, and establish relations with administrations to defend specific cases of rights violations.


We listen, research, collect, publish and disseminate materials that help us better understand the situation of the towns and decide the priorities of our actions.

Where we act

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IndiRec Scholarships

Scholarships for Masters and PhD students to research contributions from indigenous peoples.

With the aim of implementing an applied research based on field work, alterNativa and the Group of Studies on Indigenous and Afro-American Cultures (CINAF) of the University of Barcelona (UB) , work together on the IndiRec Scholarships for students master's and doctorate in anthropology.

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Plural dialogues on global crises.

As a training resource, alterNativa and the CINAF of the UB organize these annual conferences to exchange knowledge about global crises and debate with indigenous international guests and local academics from different perspectives.

The days include conferences, round tables, film forums, workshops with students and other activities open to the public.

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International Conventions

There are more than 5,000 indigenous peoples in the world, who are often marginalized and suffer discrimination in countries’ legal systems. Governments must implement laws and policies that make the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) a reality.

Projectes actius a Xiapes, Mèxic

Dones i pobles indígenes. Apoderament en comunicació pròpia per la defensa de Drets

Mèxic (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Equador, Bolívia, Catalunya i Nova York.

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Projectes actius a Guatemala

Dones i pobles indígenes. Apoderament en comunicació pròpia per la defensa de Drets

Mèxic (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Equador, Bolívia, Catalunya i Nova York.

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Projectes actius a Nicaragua

Dones i pobles indígenes. Apoderament en comunicació pròpia per la defensa de Drets

Mèxic (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Equador, Bolívia, Catalunya i Nova York.

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Projectes actius a Equador

Dones i pobles indígenes. Apoderament en comunicació pròpia per la defensa de Drets

Mèxic (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Equador, Bolívia, Catalunya i Nova York.

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Autoorganització indígena pel maneig del reg

Serra Nord d'Equador, províncies Imbabura i Pichincha.

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Projectes actius a Bolívia

Dones i pobles indígenes. Apoderament en comunicació pròpia per la defensa de Drets

Mèxic (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Equador, Bolívia, Catalunya i Nova York.

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Projectes actius a Argentina

Liti i Drets Humans: Vulneracions en la compra pública de vehicles elèctrics.

Catalunya i Argentina (Comunitats indígenes kolla, Salinas Grandes).

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Projectes actius a Nova York

Dones i pobles indígenes. Apoderament en comunicació pròpia per la defensa de Drets

Mèxic (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Equador, Bolívia, Catalunya i Nova York.

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Projectes actius a Catalunya

Dones i pobles indígenes. Apoderament en comunicació pròpia per la defensa de Drets

Mèxic (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Equador, Bolívia, Catalunya i Nova York.

Més informació

Defensa dels drets col.lectius dels pobles amb enfocament de gènere. Sensibilització, formació, recerca i incidència.

Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Cardona, Bellaterra, Lleida, Girona i Tarragona.

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Liti i Drets Humans: Vulneracions en la compra pública de vehicles elèctrics.

Catalunya i Argentina (Comunitats indígenes kolla, Salinas Grandes).

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Active projects in Xiapes, Mexico

Women and indigenous peoples. Power of attorney in own communication for the defense of Rights

Mexico (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Catalonia and New York.

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Active projects in Guatemala

Women and indigenous peoples. Power of attorney in own communication for the defense of Rights

Mexico (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Catalonia and New York.

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Justice against the criminalization of indigenous leaders

Central, Western and Northern regions of the country.

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Active projects in Nicaragua

Women and indigenous peoples. Power of attorney in own communication for the defense of Rights

Mexico (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Catalonia and New York.

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Active projects in Ecuador

Women and indigenous peoples. Power of attorney in own communication for the defense of Rights

Mexico (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Catalonia and New York.

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Indigenous self-organization for irrigation management

Northern Sierra of Ecuador, Imbabura and Pichincha provinces.

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Active projects in Bolivia

Women and indigenous peoples. Power of attorney in own communication for the defense of Rights

Mexico (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Catalonia and New York.

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Active projects in Argentina

Lithium and Human Rights: Violations in the public purchase of electric vehicles.

Catalonia and Argentina (Kolla indigenous communities, Salinas Grandes).

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Active projects in New York

Women and indigenous peoples. Power of attorney in own communication for the defense of Rights

Mexico (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Catalonia and New York.

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Active projects in Catalonia

Women and indigenous peoples. Power of attorney in own communication for the defense of Rights

Mexico (Xiapes), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Catalonia and New York.

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Defense of the collective rights of the peoples with a gender focus. Awareness, training, research and advocacy.

Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Cardona, Bellaterra, Lleida, Girona and Tarragona.

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Lithium and Human Rights: Violations in the public purchase of electric vehicles.

Catalonia and Argentina (Kolla indigenous communities, Salinas Grandes).

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